Collection of All Harappan Seal Images Featuring The Unicorn From

Collection of All Harappan Seal Images Featuring The Unicorn


All the images on this page have been sourced from and other websites which are properly referenced.

As the study of the Harappan/Indus Valley/Sindhu Saraswati Civilization still lies in a phase where writings have not been deciphered yet, all the guesswork and estimates are based on circumstantial evidence. Reader discretion is advised.

Dhirendra Das
Dhirendra Das

Dhirendra is a Know-It-All. Having read world history, geography, mathematics, science and politics, he takes a deep interest in these. His profession as a researcher helps him gather more information everyday. Having worked in Fintech with an MBA, he knows too much more about Finance, and Technology than the average layman.

Articles: 13